Our proprietary

At Debut, we've taken our 27 years of experience and created proprietary engagement tools that we employ to drive engagement and Cognitive Resonance™. And they work—we've even conducted our own research to prove it.

  • Inner Voice Experience

    Inner Voice Experience™

    This innovative and immersive audiovisual technique taps into the audience subconscious to increase focus and engagement at the beginning of an experience.

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  • Experience Audits

    Experience Audits™

    Pre & in-the-moment behavioral research and discovery translated to actionable recommendations.

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  • Cognitive Resonance

    Cognitive Resonance™

    We know Cognitive Resonance™ is the key to reaching audiences at the highest level of engagement, and it is our ultimate goal for every experience.

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  • Neuroscaping Icon


    This is our approach to science-based experience design that creates more resonant, neurodiverse experiences and delivers measurable business results.

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  • Audience Priming Effect™

    Audience Priming Effect™

    Our proven approach that empowers the audience to optimize their own experience, maximizing engagement and retention.

Inner Voice Experience™

Behavior change is most effective when motivation comes from within. But in a noisy and busy world, it can be hard to tap into that inner inspiration.

Debut’s proprietary Inner Voice Experience™ is a carefully designed communication sequence that introduces audiences to their own inner voice and delivers important messaging in a deeply personal way that inspires behavior change.

The best part is, the Inner Voice Experience™ works. Compared to traditional communications, our Inner Voice Experience™ alone boosts Cognitive Resonance™ by up to 21%.

Still curious? We conducted a primary research study validating the effect of the Inner Voice Experience™.

Our Research

In a randomized controlled trial with 218 participants, we compared the impact of the Inner Voice Experience™ relative to two control conditions representing traditional forms of communication.

In the Inner Voice Experience™ condition, participants listened to corporate messaging delivered via Debut’s proprietary approach. By contrast, the control groups either read the message as part of a text memo or listened to the message via a talking-head CEO video.

Messages delivered through the Inner Voice Experience™ Cognitively Resonated with the audience significantly more than messages delivered in both control conditions. Not only did the Inner Voice Experience™ increase attention, mood, and value internalization, it also increased there audience’s reported concern about the message they'd received in the experience.

“The best part is, the Inner Voice Experience™ works. Compared to traditional communications, our Inner Voice Experience™ alone boosts Cognitive Resonance™ by up to 21%.”

Experience Audit™

Q: How do you know you are not causing adverse engagement and losing opportunity with your audience?

A: You must first realize that events exist to drive behavior.

Therefore, to succeed, you must understand and affect the minds of your audience.

The gateway to the mind is a cluttered and noisy place. The human brain is an active machine. It predicts, integrates, infers, and reacts. It takes nothing in isolation.

You therefore cannot evaluate your event in isolation. Or, rely on limited metrics that cannot see inside the minds of your audience.

In a behavioral Experience Audit™, we take a holistic approach to understanding engagement. Led by our team of Cognitive Scientists, our approach goes far beyond traditional analytics to examine the context and ecosystem of your experience. We uncover the barriers and drivers of your desired behaviors, the experiential and environmental design elements that adversely or positively affect your audience, and the opportunities for enhancement informed by the latest behavioral and psychological literature.

The result is a highly useful and guiding report that seeks out the why, grounded in behavioral science, that allows you to design and improve deeper engagement over time. Or, to quickly correct course.

Do you want to optimize engagement at your next event or experience?

We take into account

  • Group Dynamics

  • Inner Voice Experience


  • Experience Audits


  • Cognitive Biases

    Cognitive Biases

  • Cognitive Load

  • Fatigue


  • Retention

Cognitive Resonance

The key to the deepest level of engagement. The catalyst to behavior change.

When an experience resonates, it does more than convey information; it personally connects, forms associations, and motivates action.

Examples of Cognitive Resonance at work:

A moment that creates a spark, a sense of familiarity.

Personal Relevance:
Deeply feeling seen, heard, and understood.

A surge of energy and excitement, feeling alive.

Cognitive Resonance™ is the result of expertly decoded engagement. It combines Attentional Economics, Strategic Mood Induction, and Value Internalization. We employ our Neuroscaping® approach to achieve Cognitive Resonance™ in every experience.

Debut’s approach is rooted in the use of behavioral insights and research to inform the many design decisions that make up experience design. It’s what we call Neuroscaping®.

Neuroscaping® is Debut’s approach born from decades of research.

It’s the operative lens with which we view communications and experiences, enabling us to engage audiences in relevant, impactful, and behavior-changing methods.

At Debut, this is how we see the world, and we are passionate about helping our clients do the same.