Behavioral Persona Development

To affect behavior, we begin by helping you understand the minds of your audience more intimately. To understand the landscape we must navigate behaviorally.

We develop a deeper profile of audience segments to inform how your strategy and design can be optimized for their needs and drive desired behaviors.

These profiles go beyond typical personas, which focus primarily on personal characteristics, to include the behavioral and psychological drivers at play.

Cognitive Biases Information the brain is willing and able to consider.

Interest What we want and desire, our individual goals.

Attitude Our opinions about current and target behaviors.

Self-Efficacy What we think we are able to do.

Intent What we currently plan to do.

Limited Rationality The reasons why we don’t do what we intend.

Social Influence How others affect what I think, feel, and do.

Event Strategy and Production

From strategy, messaging and theme design to structure and agenda development and content production, we bring behavior-driven events and experiences to life with excellence. Our behavioral insights and solutions enhance engagement and lead to greater downstream business impact.

Video Production & Storytelling

You may want a corporate video that doesn’t feel corporate, and that’s what we do. We use the insights born from over two decades of research to identify the core human truths behind your company and its culture, and we craft the story to drive defined behaviors and a desired mindset among your audience. Your mission should elicit emotion and drive authentic connection. We define the behavioral DNA of your story and bring it life, from concept to script to final edit.

Patient stories

Patient stories are a powerful way to bring home the impact of pharmaceutical innovation and your people. We apply extremely subtle, yet affecting techniques to narrative structure, cinematography, and sound design to evoke the strongest emotional reactions and deepest engagement among viewers. We have been crafting compelling patient documentaries for the leading Pharma innovators for over 20 years. This storytelling proves highly engaging throughout the marketing ecosystem, including sales support, patient-facing marketing, and event content.

Customer stories

There’s no more compelling way to demonstrate the value of technology solutions than truly authentic customer stories.  We craft customer stories with careful consideration of the psychological effects of sound design, color correction, and getting into the minds of the customers themselves. We love to create customer stories for use in marketing and to serve as energizing and engaging content at events. We find your best stories and bring them to life.

Communications & Creative Design

Informed by behavioral insights, we deliver the right message at the right time through creative design that is grounded in science.

National meetings, POAs

Product/indication launches

Congress design

Patient & mission experiences

Employee engagement/recognition

Positioning & narrative setting

Brand & strategy design

Creative strategy & execution

Multi-media & video production

HCP/patient journey mapping

Behavioral-driven sales training

Employee training & onboarding strategy

Change/adoption management